Certified Testing Center
Carbon County Higher Education Center is a Certified Testing Center and administers tests from many different testing organizations. Test proctoring is also available.
High School Equivalency Testing/Pre-Testing
GED (General Education Development)
- High School Equivalency Test
- Learn More
- Call (307) 328-9274 for a consult
ETS HiSET (High School Equivalency Test)
- High School Equivalency Test
- Learn More
- Call (307) 328-9274 for a consult
TABE – $20
- Assessment used to measure preparedness for GED or HiSET tests
- Occasionally ordered by employers or agencies
- Call (307) 328-9274 to schedule.
College and University Pre Testing, Placement, and Proctored Testing
- Used by colleges and universities for admission decisions
- Offered at various times on Saturdays throughout the year.
- Register and pay fees
- Used by colleges and universities to measure students’ readiness for college
- Offered at various times on Saturdays throughout the year
- Register and pay fees
- Administered for college placement
- Fees may apply
- Call (307) 328-9274 to schedule
CCHEC provides proctors for college exams. The test proctoring schedule is Monday through Friday, 8 to 10 a.m, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 1 to 3 p.m.
- Fees may apply
- Availability may vary
- Schedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance by calling (307) 328-9274
Other Testing
- A job-skill assessment system that measures workplace skills of employees and job applicants
- Tests available include Applied Math, Workplace Documents, and Graphic Literacy
- If a candidate is successful, he/she will receive a National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) personally signed by the Governor of Wyoming
- Call (307) 328-9274 to schedule.
- Paper test taken by prospective graduate school applicants
- Offered at various times throughout the year
- Register and pay fees
- Measures teacher candidates’ knowledge and skills
- Offered at CCHEC Testing Center on the second Wednesday of each month
- Register and pay fees
- Computer-based testing for IT, academic, government, and professional programs
- Testing days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
- Tests are scheduled and paid for by students online and then testing dates and times are delivered to CCHEC
ATI TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills)
- Administered annually to potential nursing candidates
- To register and pay, call (307) 328-9274 or click here
- Administered annually to nursing students
- Used to predict success on the NCLEX
- Call (307) 328-9274 to register and pay or click here
We are now a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Prometric testing site!
Thanks to Cory Hudson, Adult Basic Education Coordinator, and Barbara James, CNA Instructor, for making this happen!
Prometric CNA
- Practical and computer-based testing for CNA certification
- Offered twice a month on Saturdays
- Create an account, register, and pay online