Welding Classes for High School Students
The weld school at CCHEC prepares students with employable skills to pursue more education and to solve problems on the ranch or in the garage. Students learn a range of welding techniques, working on real-life projects, that build confidence in their abilities to fix what needs fixing. They are also prepared for entry-level employment as welders poised to move quickly up the ladder. Students have resolved a tricky migration problem for the BLM by designing and building “fence jacks” that allow antelope to scoot under sheep fences. They have built a railing for a popular downtown park and made numerous attractive pieces of art on the CNC plasma cutter, improving their skills as they improve our community. Students who complete the program have the option to graduate from high school with at least 10 college credit hours from Western Wyoming Community College.
Contact your high school counselor to get started.

Welding I
This course is open to all students. This is a semester long course, offered both fall and spring semesters.
This course is an introduction to welding and cutting processes. Students will be exposed to Oxy-Acetylene Welding (OAW), Oxy-Acetylene Brazing (TB), and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). The course will combine lecture and lab time. Lecture topics will include safety, process specific information, welding theory and terminology, introduction to metallurgy, and applied math and science.
Welding II
This course will be a continuation of the skills learned in Welding 1.
Students will learn to weld with Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW), and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). Students will also learn to cut and bevel plate with Oxy-Fuel Cutting (OFC) and Plasma Arc Cutting (PAC). Course work will also cover welding joint design, process specific information, welding symbols, metallurgy, and applied math and science.
*This course meets the requirements of Western’s WELD 1755 for concurrent credit enrollment.

To receive college credit, students must
meet with the CCHEC Student Services
Coordinator each semester to register!
Welding III
This course will be a continuation of the skills learned in Welding 2.
Students will use the processes learned in Welding 2 to weld plates to American Welding Society standards. Students will learn to cut and prep plates with both open root and a backing plate. Students will begin to be exposed to non-ferrous (Aluminum) welding, as well as basic welding inspection techniques. Course work will include advanced metallurgy, and blueprint reading.
*This course meets the requirements of Western’s WELD 1715 for concurrent credit enrollment.

Welding IV
Students will build upon skills from Welding 3. This class is considered a senior capstone and thus will have very high expectations. Students will be doing many of the same welds taught in Welding 3; however a higher proficiency level will be required. Students will be exposed to non-destructive testing & dye penetrant, visual inspection. If time and instructional budget allow students will learn the principles of welding stainless steel. Course work includes advanced metallurgy, fabrication and blueprint reading, heat effects and heat treating of metals, and destructive and non- destructive testing methods.
This course meets the requirements of Western’s WELD 1840 for concurrent credit enrollment.
Welding Fabrication
This course is open to any Welding III, or IV student, with instructor permission.
Students will be exposed to a deeper level of understanding in regards to welding fabrication, dimensional tolerances, and specialty fabrication tools. Other welding courses are designed to improve a student’s individual skills but Welding Fabrication emphasizes workflow, teamwork, and problem solving in the shop setting. Students may work on individual projects with instructor permission.
Welding Projects
Our Welders
From welding practice in the shop to various competitions, our welders leave the CCHEC weld school with numerous welding experiences.

Homecoming Burning of the “R”
Each year, at Rawlins High School’s Homecoming game, our welders and welding instructor prepare the R and the Rawlins Fire Department lights it just before the start of the game.

Plasma Cutting
Welding students also get the opportunity to use a CNC plasma cutter during their time in the weld school. Here are a few projects.

Check out the CNC plasma cutter in action!