Community Projects
We believe in shaking the hand that feeds us.
Our community has always rallied behind education, and at CCHEC we believe in shaking the hand that feeds us. Most of our class projects are a direct response to a community need. A local restauranteur needed some specialty tables for a new business. Our CAD students designed the tables; the welding students fabricated the frames and the wood working students made the tops. Problem solved. The BLM needed some fence jacks to facilitate antelope migration and birdhouses that would allow them to peer into bluebird nests without disturbing the eggs. CAD students designed prototypes, the BLM gave approval, and now the welding students are manufacturing fence jacks and the wood working students are building birdhouses. Problems solved. We think it is important for students to engage with our community and be active participants in solving community problems. As they are learning a new craft, they are also learning how to use their new powers for good purposes.