In addition to the on-site tutoring and class options offered at CCHEC, there are many website that can help you prepare for taking the GED/HiSet. From general resources, to specific academic area resources, you will find a wide range of options to help you improve your scores and pass your exams.

All Subjects

Hiset Resources

Hiset Preparation Page

Hiset—Study Resources

Varsity Tutorscreate a free account, take practice tests, use flashcards (Choose HiSET or GED) or any other High School area subject to practice

Learning Express Library(if you have a library card— FREE)—Set up account—lots of HiSET/GED resources; practice tests, free book downloads, flashcards

HippoCampus—Math, Science Videos

CK-12—Math, Science, English, History, & Health

Sheppard SoftwareGames/Practice for every subject


Khan Academy: Science



Biology—High School


Health and Medicine

Cosmology and Astronomy

Crash Course:

For each subject, start at the bottom of the last page, then work your way up and backwards, right to left.

Anatomy —Crash Course

Astronomy—Crash Course

Big History—Crash Course

Biology—Crash Course

Chemistry—Crash Course

Ecology—Crash Course

Physics—Crash Course


Khan Academy: HiSET Math

Math Planet—Study/Watch Videos

Virtual NerdVideo Tutorials

MathOpsVideo Explanations, practice quizzes

Math TVVideos


Khan Academy: Writing (Grammar)

English for Everyone


Read Theory


Social Studies

Khan Academy: Social Studies

US History

World History


Finance and Capital Markets

Crash Course:

For each subject, start at the bottom of the last page, then work your way up and backwards, right to left.

Economics—Crash Course

Government—Crash Course

U.S. History—Crash Course

World History—Crash Course

World History II—Crash Course