LSRV Ed Center
Since 1993, Little Snake River Valley Community Education Center in Baggs, WY, has served as an outreach location for CCHEC. We provide a variety of community-based classes, such as crochet instruction, tumbling and dance, and “make and take” craft classes for all ages.
Give us a call at 307-383-6861 for more information!
Calendar of Events
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WWCC Outreach
Take a look at the most current WWCC catalog and list of degrees you can earn right here in Carbon County,
Advising & Registration
Available for both high school and adult students, Academic Advising promotes high-quality learning opportunities that incorporate college classes and community education.
Community Education
At the LSRV Ed Center, we provide a variety of community-based classes, such as crochet instruction, tumbling and dance, and “make and take” craft classes for all ages.
Ready to earn your High School Equivalency Certificate through GED or HiSET testing? Let’s get started!
We offer proctored testing for High School Equivalency, WWCC placement tests, and WWCC course tests.