Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement
Of the information we learn about you from your visit to our website, we store only the following: the IP address from which you access the Internet, the date and time, the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site, the name of the file or the words you searched, and the browser used to access our site. This information is used to measure the number of visitors to the various sections of our site and identify system performance or problem areas within our website. We also use this information to help us expand the coverage of the sites and to make the site more useful.
If you choose to provide us with personal information by sending an email, or by filling out a form with your personal information and submitting it through our website, we use that information to respond to your message and to help us provide you with information or material that you request. We do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party unless required by law. Please be aware most information transmitted over the Internet is not secure; thus, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
Copyright Notice
All material on this website is protected by copyright. No information on this website may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from Carbon County Higher Education Center. Users of this website may not transmit, distribute, publish, modify, or create derivative works of any material found on this site for any public or commercial purposes.
Privacy Rights of Students
Privacy rights of Western Wyoming Community College students are in compliance with amended Section 438 of the General Education Provision Act, the Buckley Amendment.
Students who are attending or have attended Western Wyoming Community College and with respect to whom Western Wyoming Community College maintains education records or personally identifiable information are the exclusive claimants to the rights listed below. Parents who declare a student as a dependent, as defined in Section 1512 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, are also included; but in such cases, the particular student also retains his or her rights. Applicants for admission to Western Wyoming Community College are not included until they have officially enrolled.
Western Wyoming Community College respects and actively seeks to protect the privacy rights of its students and their parents in regard to education records and personally identifiable information formulated and/or maintained by the College. These rights are generally defined as:
- The right to inspect and review education records and personally identifiable information pertaining to the individual.
- The rights to control and be informed of the use, release and dissemination of such records.
- The right to challenge such records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate.
- The right to be notified and informed of the rights described above.
- Information on students (address, phone number, classes, etc.) is not released to any party without prior permission of the student involved.
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
Western Wyoming Community College is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity institution and as such, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, handicap status, disabled veteran, or veteran of the Vietnam era in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs or activities. Inquiries concerning Title VI, TITLE IX and Section 504 may be referred to the Dean of Administration, WWCC Administrative Offices, P.O. Box 428, Rock Springs, WY 82902-0428, (307) 382-1609; or the Regional Director, Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, Department of Education, Federal Office Building, 1244 Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204-3582, (303) 844-5695 or TDD (303) 844-3417; or the Wyoming Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2nd Floor, Hathaway Building, Cheyenne, WY 82002, (307) 717-6218.
Americans With Disabilities Act
Western Wyoming Community College is committed to comply with all requirements set forth by the Americans With Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336). Individuals, who believe they have been treated unfairly or unlawfully under the provisions of the Act, should contact the College’s Dean of Administration, who serves as the ADA Compliance Coordinator. The Dean may be contacted in the Administrative Offices or by calling 382-1609.
Accessibility For The Disabled
Western Wyoming Community College has made significant strides in the acquisition and development of equipment, programs, and facilities to assist disabled students obtain an education.
Every building is virtually barrier free. On-campus accessible living units for the disabled are available for rent.
A counselor is available to assist students with academic advising, personal counseling and other concerns.
Student’s Right of Due Process
The College assures students the right to due process. Students have a right to an appeal hearing when they are suspended or dismissed from the College; they cannot resolve an academic grievance with a teacher, they are evicted from housing, or when some other disciplinary action is taken.
Academic Grievance (Complaints about Areas of Instruction)
The College has a grievance procedure available to hear students’ academic complaints. The procedure seeks to insure that a student’s complaint is heard promptly, equitably, and informally.
Hopefully the conflict can be resolved in the initial steps of the process when the student discusses the matter with the instructor, the division chairperson, and the Dean of Academic Affairs. However, if the grievance is not resolved after the meetings, the student may present the case to an Academic Grievance Committee.
The student must submit a written statement of the student’s complaint to the Division Chair or Academic Dean no later than 45 calendar days after the end of the semester in which the grievance occurred. Students may not pursue grievances after this time limit.
Non-Academic Grievance (Complaints about Unfair Treatment)
The College has a grievance procedure available to hear student complaints about unfair treatment, including suspension and dismissal from the College. This nonacademic grievance procedure seeks to ensure that students are treated fairly with due process.
Due process ensures the student that the College is not arbitrary in its actions. In all cases, due process requires that students know the charges against them, have the opportunity to refute these charges, and have the right to appeal. Once confronted with the charges and the college’s decision, students may appeal this decision to the Student Affairs Appeals Board. This board serves to safeguard these rights and also strives to fairly and reasonably interpret various College policies relating to student conduct.
The entire policy may be found in the student handbook.