LSRV WWCC Outreach
Students can take Western Wyoming Community College classes right here in Carbon County! The LSRV Ed Center is staffed by passionate, seasoned support staff who can help students navigate the sometimes confusing world of college. Sign up for a class today!
Getting Started
The Carbon County Higher Education Center (CCHEC) Little Snake River Ed Center is the Baggs Outreach Campus for Western Wyoming Community College (WWCC) in Rock Springs. WWCC offers 2-year degrees and certificates via distance.
There are many online courses available to choose from, whether you are just taking a class or two to explore your interests, taking courses to transfer to another school, or working towards completing a degree through WWCC.
Full- Time (12+ credits) Students & Degree Seeking Students
1. All students planning to attend full-time or seeking to complete a degree, an online application must be completed.
2. Complete the Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Students must complete the FAFSA each year that they attend school in order to qualify for and receive Federal financial aid. Students paying for courses on their own can skip this step.
3. Complete the McCann & ALEKS placement tests for appropriate placement in English, Math, and Science courses. Placement tests are free of charge for WWCC students and can be scheduled by calling 307-383-6861 or emailing Christy Stocks.
4. Meet with an advisor to register for classes each semester. Christy Stocks is the Education Coordinator at the LSRV Ed Center.
Part-Time (11 or fewer credits per semester) students & Non-Degree Seeking students
Part-Time and non-degree seeking students, should either reach out to the LSRV Education Coordinator, Christy Stocks, via email or by phone at 307-383-6861 to register for courses or fill out the online WWCC part-time registration form.
Online WWCC Degrees & Certificates
There are many AA, AS, & AAS degrees & certificates can be completed online.
* Online courses are designated with NT.
FREE college classes for High School students!
Are you interested in getting a head start taking college classes during high school? Do you want to expand your educational opportunities right now?
Juniors and seniors are eligible for dual enrollment classes through Western Wyoming Community College (WWCC).
Dual enrollment credit is awarded to students who complete college-level courses either online or in traditional college classes. Courses are taught by college instructors, instruction is at a college pace, and courses are offered outside of the regular school day.
Dual enrollment students have one class period of their school day dedicated to working on each college course at the LSRV Ed Center.
Dual enrollment college courses are meant to be a step between high school and college. This bridge between high school and college helps teach students time management and additional responsibility while still having a structured support system in place. Additionally, this opportunity allows students to learn and practice the real-life skill of having different expectations in different environments and attending courses in different buildings.
Students will also obtain a WWCC student ID card, which allows them access to events on the main WWCC campus, as well as many discounts at various locations.
Benefits of Dual and Concurrent Enrollment
- Students earn both high school and college credit.
- Counts as one elective credit or core class towards high school graduation.
- High school students who take college courses subsequently perform better in college than those with no history of dual enrollment course taking.
- Students who earned college credits in dual enrollment and similar programs before high school graduation had a lower average time to degree – 4.25 years . . . 4.65 years.
- Reduces the cost of college to the student and their family.
- Career and technical students have documented skills to offer their employer and a head start on further training.
What will it cost?
Dual and concurrent credit courses should have no cost to students or their families.
The CCSD#1 BOCHES & CCSD#1 Boards pay for tuition, fees and books for dual credit courses. Continued enrollment depends on the student receiving a minimum GPA of 2.0 in each class and completion of all enrolled courses.
Things to consider before you register
- Am I at least 16 years of age?
- Am I a junior or senior with high level academic capabilities?
- Do I have current ACT scores or will I need to take the WWCC McCann/ALEKS assessments?
- Will my high school instructor in this content area recommend me for a college course?
- Will I be able to meet all my high school requirements?
- Do I have time for a college course and am I willing to do the homework?
- Do I realize college classes will take a greater time commitment and my outside activities cannot interfere?
- Do I understand that the grade I earn in this class will go on my permanent college transcript and high school transcript?
- Do I understand that I am responsible for researching transfer issues prior to enrolling in college classes? Colleges have varying policies on the acceptance of college credit earned while a student is still in high school.
The CCSD#1 BOCHES & CCSD#1 Boards pay for tuition, fees and books for dual credit courses. Continued enrollment depends on the student receiving a minimum GPA of 2.0 in each class and completion of all enrolled courses.
Online Course Options
Options for online courses change each semester. Please contact the LSRV Ed Center Education Coordinator or your high school counselor for a current listing of offered courses.
These courses will help students meet college needs while allowing them to explore interests. All courses will required college level writing and an average of nine (9) hours of studying per week for each 3 credit course. Some courses have prerequisites or minimum ACT scores that must be met.
How to begin
Students meet with both their high school counselor and LSRV Ed Center Education Coordinator each semester to determine the best courses for each student. Some college courses dually count as required high school courses, while others may count as elective high school courses.
My WWCC & Canvas
Access your online MyWWCC Account to register for classes, pay on your account or set up a payment plan, and to access your classes.
WWCC Bookstore
Students can order Mustang Merchandise and Textbooks through the Western Wyoming Community College Bookstore in Rock Springs.
WWCC Transcripts
Students can print an unofficial transcript by logging into My Western and going to the Self-Service Menu - For Students - My Academic Information - My Transcripts.
Official WWCC transcripts can be ordered online. Each official transcript request costs $5.25.